Halstead metrics in NDepend
I would like to strongly advise the implementation in NDepend, of Halstead metrics that are already available in CppDepend. I frequently used the CppDepend maintainability index and other economic metrics to justify important and strategic refactoring.
I utilize other tools to measure the scope and monetary values of changes in C# code base. Yet, I apply other formulas, but without the same accuracy. To apply different formulas may induce contradictions that I must explain, which transform my project meetings almost to courses in software engineering metric and indicators.
To hold the same metrics on both CppDepend and NDepend provides uniformity and good comparison baseline. Implementing the Halstead metrics in NDepend would help a lot to earn credibility to justify projects financings.

Ivan Guentchev commented
I would like to strongly advise the implementation in NDepend, of Halstead metrics that are already available in CppDepend. I frequently used the CppDepend maintainability