Reuse NDepend's Technical Debt and Quality Gate functionality with other rule sources
The introduction of technical debt assessment and quality gates in NDepend 2017 is a very welcome addition. However, the scope of these features (and others like TFS integration and baselines) is restricted to NDepend. This scope is too narrow for those of us that make use of other rule sources such as FxCop, StyleCop, Code Cracker, Refactoring Essentials, OWASP Dependencies, SonarQube, custom written Roslyn rules et al. We would like to use NDepend's features but the scope means that it is only telling part of the story and unfortunately this isn't enough for it to be usable.
We would like NDepend to support a plugin model that allows us to feed it with violations raised by other rule engines. Armed with this feature we could use NDepend to see the whole picture.