Parse VB.NET code
Parse VB.NET code the same way C# code is parsed, to gather the code metrics # Lines of Comment and Source Code Cyclomatic Complexity from VB.NET code bases.

> code # Lines of Comment calculation seems wrong. Always shows 0
Indeed because VB.NET is not 100% supported yet, more info here hope to support VB.NET 100% within the next months
Anonymous commented code # Lines of Comment calculation seems wrong. Always shows 0
Anonymous commented
yes please! its a showstopper for me...
Anonymous commented
Also goota parse out error and dependencies found in the My Namespace in VB. Really annoying to get a bunch of false positives re My methods and fields
Fernando Nieto commented
This definitely needs to be added. As C# and VB.Net are the two major .NET languages that Microsoft supports and enterprise software will be utilizing for code analysis, updates, etc.
In VB.NET "Open my declaration in Source Code" is available for non-abstract method so far. And for sure, when VB.NET will be parsed, this will be supported for all code elements.
Anonymous commented
Also the "Open my declaration in Source Code" feature