Create an NDepend.CodeModel.IProperty interface
This would be especially handy to detect with CQLinq when a property is tagged with an attribute, and also to jump from the getter method to the setter method and vice-versa. So IProperty would have to implement the interface NDepend.CodeModel.IAttributeTarget
NDepend v2023.1 have a IProperty and IEvent interfaces and both implement IAttributeTarget. New APIs have been added to properly query and rule those.
Anonymous commented
This would help me with my use case which is where the attribute is attached to the property instead of the getter:-
protected object Container => container ?? (container = new object()); -
When this will be implemented, IEvent will have to be implemented too.
Tim dos Santos commented
Yes, please implement this! I'm looking for a way to check for attributes on properties (not on the getter/setter) to enforce publicly visible properties of user controls to be annotated with [Browsable(false)] and [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)], unless explicitly justified with a comment.