Rules: Provide possibility to search for code comments. Example: Count "TODO" or Count "HACK"
It would be interesting to see how many TODOs we have in code
Or how much we added in the last Sprint

Thomas Weller commented
Of course I can count comments with Visual Studio text search or some sort of grep | wc. But that's true for other features of NDepend as well. Still, I don't want to do it in other tools.To me, a // HACK and a // TODO is a code smell, so I want to analyze it and add it to the technical debt. I'd really like to see it soon.
mprevot commented
@Patrick Smacchia Actually the TODO comments are ideas, sometimes kind of simplified pseudo code, it gives ideas, and serve as *descriptor*. As well as few metrics (CQlinq queries) are actual *descriptors*.
Sean Killeen commented
Just wanted to lend my support this idea. One of our goals is to trend down the number of TODO items in our brownfield project over time. NDepend has great trending metrics and it would be nice to have that 20,000-ft. view of our TODO situation, but we're currently unable (as far as I know) to search comments or comment text to obtain the information.
The VS text search in files already works pretty well. Moreover NDepend focuses more on code dependencies, bodies, identifiers and symbols than on comment or formatting.