A 'Hound' like product for .Net projects
I recently ran across a new project called 'Hound' http://robots.thoughtbot.com/introducing-hound that help developers fight the smaller code quality issues by commenting on github pull requests. This made me think of NDepend as a Service and would be a nice way to integrate NDepend into my workflow - by simply commenting on offending lines of a pull request a team could start to have an automated way of having the team fix things that might otherwise be missed. I really like how hound talks about removing the 'human' from some of the littler issues.
I could see this starting out as a Freemium thing, where NDepend provides some really basic help, and then for paid plans you could put a project file in your repo and start getting even more advanced assistance.
I realize that the kind of analysis that NDepend does is at a macro code level, hound is very much a line by line micro level. So I am not sure how directly applicable NDepend will be, but some kind of web hook analysis of a github repo would indeed be nice.
Once there is a SaaS style offering the historical analysis of a project would be very interesting as well.