NDepend User Voice
Welcome to the NDepend User Voice page. Let us know what you would like to see in future versions of NDepend. This site is for suggestions and ideas. If you need to report a bug, please send us an email at support@ndepend.com
We look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks – Patrick Smacchia
NDepend Team
7 results found
Add TeamCity plugin equivalent option for the ForceReturnZeroExitCode console option
We presently are using the Team City plugin and would like to keep quality gates enabled, but not prevent them from failing builds. We have the "one of build steps exited with an error" failure condition enabled and are constrained by other build steps to leave this enabled.
There is a /ForceReturnZeroExitCode command line option, but the same setting does not appear to exist for the TeamCity plugin. Please advise on whether this can be added to the plugin.
3 votes -
Duplicated code
Would be perfect if we could have metrics regarding duplicated code.
We could use it to then create rules and issues regarding the increase of duplicated code and also count it as technical debt.
3 votes -
Add integration and documentation for AWS CodeBuild
AWS CodeBuild is our go-to solution for building and testing DotNet Core solutions. This would be similar to Appveyor, but benefit from inheriting the IAM security model and S3 storage of artifacts. CodeBuild also recently added Reports which provide a way to track test metrics over time. Seems like a perfect fit.
3 votes -
AppVeyor Integration
A lot of .NET people are starting to use AppVeyor a lot, it would be pretty awesome if you could integrate with it.
38 votes -
Provide a Jenkins CI plugin
Provide a Jenkins CI plugin to integrate NDepend analysis and gather NDepend code metrics from Jenkins CI.
147 votes -
Add a minimal deployment option for build agents
Although admittedly NDepend isn't a huge product, it would be helpful if there was a secondary deployment option which was just NDepend.Console.exe and its dependencies. No GUI tools, power tools, integration extensions etc. Just the absolute basics so that you can easy stick it on a build agent or in SCC as part of a tools folder without including stuff that a build agent would never use.
Of course, this now has its own problems as v7 seems to use an activation model whereas with v6 you could just include the license file to your agents. (Not to mention the…
1 vote -
A 'Hound' like product for .Net projects
I recently ran across a new project called 'Hound' http://robots.thoughtbot.com/introducing-hound that help developers fight the smaller code quality issues by commenting on github pull requests. This made me think of NDepend as a Service and would be a nice way to integrate NDepend into my workflow - by simply commenting on offending lines of a pull request a team could start to have an automated way of having the team fix things that might otherwise be missed. I really like how hound talks about removing the 'human' from some of the littler issues.
I could see this starting out as…
1 vote
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